Author: Sarah Moran - CEO, Girl Geek Academy
Instagram: @girlgeekacademy
Australian-based Girl Geek Academy, the girl gang teaching one million women to learn
technology by 2025, have just announced their acquisition of international initiative ‘SheFlies’. This will see them launch a suite of programs designed to increase gender
equality in drones, space and aviation.
The programs are designed to celebrate the achievements of women already within the fields and to forge pathways and opportunities for other girls and women to enter and thrive.
Sarah Moran, CEO and co-founder of Girl Geek Academy, announced the acquisition at the ‘World of Drones Congress’ on Thursday 26th September, where delegates from across the Asia Pacific region gathered in Brisbane, to connect, collaborate and discuss the latest industry developments, applications and policies.
Sarah said, “She Flies is our exciting new initiative to increase women representation, capacity and cooperation in the fabulous fields of drones, space and aviation. There is a lot of great work going on above the ground, and some women champions who have greatly contributed to that. We want to celebrate their achievements and showcase not only those who have come before us, but those are next to go.”
“When it comes to jobs in the air, women are still enormously outnumbered. For example, women currently account for only around three percent of pilots and one percent of aircraft engineers in the aviation industry globally. We’re going to help change this.”
Australia is showing all signs of prioritising these industries in coming years, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison announcing the Federal Government’s $150 million dollar budget for involvement in the US Moon and Mars missions. Last week, the Australian Space Agency also signed a joint statement of intent with NASA for the two organisations to work together.
Girl Geek Academy cofounder April Staines was a geek before it was even a thing. April runs her own business, April Storm Props, dedicated to making digitally fabricated and 3D printed costume props for the fan, collector and cosplay community.
April recently co-authored the fourth book in the Girl Geeks series, Making Magic, to inspire young girls to explore what’s possible in space. The book is about the school play “SPACETACULAR” and the Girl Geeks make space props to get the play into orbit.
Dark Shadows CEO Casey Thomas created the game Drone Legion – The game is an interactive virtual reality (VR) drone racing simulator, based on the increasingly popular sport of drone racing, which involves tiny quadcopters with cameras racing around courses and obstacles at speeds up to 150km/h. Spectacular crashes are common. The game has been featured by the AFL at an esport mini tournaments, the Melbourne Open tournament and many other sporting events.
Dr Catherine Ball is an author, founder, and ethics advocate working across global projects
where robotics and new technology meet environmental protection. Her company World Of
Drones Education seeks to empower, educate, and lift teachers and educators, industry and academia with friendly, approachable, and free resources and networking.
A sought after voice in industry, Dr Ball is now working with the application of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) aka drone technology across remote communities, schools, industry, and citizen scientists. Dr Ball and her team recently acquired the ‘Aerospace Institute’, an RTO providing education and mentoring across the AvSTEM networks.
The She Flies initiative is brand new. It is nothing like any other programme in Australia or the rest of the world that has existed or can currently be found. Already men and women are signing on to support and promote the # SheFlies initiative as champions and promoters.
She Flies, the Global Initiative by Girl Geek Academy to increase gender diversity in the Aerospace, Aviation, and Drone Industries, launched at this year's World of Drones Congress to a great response. The team have been overwhelmed with support since the announcement.
You too can sign up to be a She Flies' Champion and Ally here:
Announcements are coming soon on some very exciting projects.
Sarah Moran
CEO, Girl Geek Academy
Instagram: @girlgeekacademy ,