Author: Anna Kinnane - Project Manager (Digital Strategies), Queensland College of Teachers
Twitter: @theqct , @QLDEducation , @Cath_Ed_BNE , @QCEC_CatholicEd
As one of the writers of the Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum, I am always excited
to see how teachers are choosing to deliver the curriculum content in innovative and engaging ways.
The Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum and the ICT general capability explicitly state the knowledge, skills, understandings and dispositions Australian students are expected to develop as they become more digitally literate as well as discover and learn the fundamental concepts and skills of the discipline of computer science.
Drone technology is proving to be a great way to engage and motivate students.
Learning can extend across multiple curriculum areas, and interest and excitement is almost guaranteed due to the very hands-on approach to learning. For example, when starting to learn computer programming, students typically use a visual programming language to issue instructions. Imagine how much fun students can have when they are given the opportunity to program a small drone to follow a simple flight path using a visual programming language.
It becomes obvious to the students if they have designed and implemented a successful set of instructions. Students tend to be more motivated to modify and refine their programs when they have an authentic purpose and, in this case, can visibly witness their success as the drone follows a set path without crashing.
Drones can also be used to consolidate curriculum understandings in other learning areas.
In Mathematics, students can use measurement and geometric skills to determine distance and speed. This means they can program a drone to follow the outline of specific shapes within set time limits. In English, students can debate or write a persuasive exposition regarding the ethical use of drone technology.
Drones can be used in Media Arts as a resource to capture images and footage in the creation of digital products, such as documentaries, advertisements or short films. Opportunities abound to exploit the capabilities of drone technology while students are developing and applying their knowledge and skills in a range of learning areas.
During the World of Drones Congress I will be joined by Nicola Flanagan (Oakleigh State School) as we elaborate and share some of the ways drone technology is being used across the curriculum.
Anna Kinnane
Project Manager (Digital Strategies)
- Queensland College of Teachers
Twitter: @theqct , @QLDEducation , @Cath_Ed_BNE , @QCEC_CatholicEd