Author: Nicola Flanagan - Head of Innovation, Oakleigh State School
Twitter: @Nicashgrove | Site:
STEM is an approach to learning.
Depending on the approach taken by an organisation or a school it is also a mindset and a disposition which has the potential to empower those within the community of learners to make a difference, to leave a legacy and to change the world.
As we see routine, manual jobs disappearing and other jobs taking their place we are told
that the demand for such skills sets is only going to increase at a rate which is exponential. These skill sets are what make us uniquely human and speak to our ability to work with others, identify problems and solve them, make connections between ideas, persevere despite setbacks, be innovative and brave and to build on our own ideas and those of others to propose ideas that are entrepreneurial and aspirational.
The idea is often expressed that a STEM approach runs the risk of each individual discipline
losing its integrity with rigour and discipline identity the casualty; that deep understanding is lost in the murkiness of connections and problem finding. STEM can, however, be the opportunity for learners to apply their deep knowledge and understandings to real situations and authentic contexts, working with others to follow lines of inquiry in order to change something. Deep knowledge and understanding is always the foundation for being able to achieve this.
Where do drones fit in to STEM?
Drones and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles are impacting on numerous industries and providing inspiration and a myriad of opportunities for what is possible. They also present a unique, engaging and affordable way for schools to enable students to interact with the curriculum in powerful ways. This includes STEM and particularly Technologies, Science and Mathematics but also Geography.
During the World of Drones Congress – the workshop presented by Anna Kinnane (QCT), Dan Martinez (St Hilda’s School) and Nicola Flanagan (Oakleigh State School) will showcase curriculum connections and possibilities in addition to the hands on practicalities which classroom teachers always need to know.
Nicola Flanagan
Head of Innovation - Oakleigh State School
Twitter: @Nicashgrove